
The growth of cockroaches

The growth of cockroaches
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Cockroach gestation

Cockroach gestation is defined by Merriam – Webster as “the carrying of young in the uterus”. Insects which are different from mammals, have no uterus so that they cannot have a young which gestate. Some people can call the growth of cockroaches in egg stage as “gestation”. Therefore, “gestation” process start when a female cockroach produce an ootheca or an egg capsule which contain a large number of eggs. Most of cockroaches deposit their eggs in safe and protective areas. However, females of some species, typically German Cockroach, carry the ootheca attached to their abdomens until it hatches. Other cockroaches such as Madagasas, keep ootheca inside their bodies until the nymphs are ready to hatch.

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After hatching, nymphs are ghostly white and soft. When their exoskeleton hardens, they will darken and nearly become their normal color. Nymphs have to pass thorough many instars before being adult cockroaches. Adult cockroaches can be distinguished from observing the nymphs by their large size and the presence of wings. However, there are some cockroaches, for example Madagascar, as well as adult cockroaches having no wing.

Cockroach development stages

Cockroaches have to pass through egg and nymph stages before being adults. Cockroach eggs are laid by females which are covered by capsules or oothecae. The number of nymphs in each ootheca are various and depend on environmental conditions. Nymphs cooperate together to emerge from oothecae.

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Cockroach nymphs are similar to adults but their size is smaller than adults and they have no wing. Nymphs pass through many instars before being adults. After the last molt, cockroach nymphs are equipped the wings. After each molt, nymphs are pale in color. They are usually confused with Albino. After hours, they darken and become normal color.

The average of an adult cockroach is about one year but it depends on species. Temperature and environmental condition effect to cockroach life. Adult cockroach breeds rapidly and work in the night. If you see a cockroach in the day time, it may have overpopulation or they may find food and water sources.

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