
Meaning of fruit fly to genetics

Meaning of fruit fly to genetics
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In 1930, fruit flies are recognized as indispensable species in study and researches of genetics and they continue holding their position. The number of fruit fly is infinite with high ability of reproduction and low cost. Their genetic structure is special simple.

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Fruit fly chromosomes

Their chromosomes are very large and atomic which help us observing easily. When drosophila chromosomes are dyed with chemicals, they reveal vertical and dark stripes along their bodies. These stripes are connected to places assembling decisive gens. Drosophila chromosomes gave the scientists the first definition of genetic diversity between species and individual.

Drosophila melanogaster is the famous fruit fly in the world. They have four pairs of chromosomes: a pair of sex chromosome and three pairs of shaped chromosome. Each chromosome has 2 branches corresponding to the left and the right. The chromosome of individual of genes are defined by recombinant unit or gathering quantity in each branch. They allow us estimating and understanding recombinant frequency between two gens in the same chromosome branch.

Because the females commonly mate with more than one male in mating period, virgin females are very helpful for scientific researches. Using mated fruit flies can make a mix offspring which falsify research results. So students can make red – eye Drosophila combine with reddish brown – eye Drosophila in order to learn directly about dominant and recessive genes. Drosophila is also helpful in mutation researches.

Ý nghĩa của ruồi giấm đối với di truyền học 2

Studying the genetic makeup, transcription and replication of the fruit fly can assist in better understanding these processes in other eukaryotic organisms, such as humans. Fly fruits have been used in research topics since 1910 when Thomas Hunt Morgan studied them at Columbia University to better understand matters of heredity. Fruit flies are great research subjects because of their life cycle which allow scientists to study the effects of stimuli over the course of hundreds of generations within a matter of months.

A study conducted in March, 2000 Human Genome Research Institute compared fruit fly and human genome. This study estimated that there were 60% conservative genes between two species. Approximately 75% disease genes in human correspond to fruit fly genome and 50% fly protein chain correspond to mammals.

Mutant fruit fly

Genetic structure of fly fruit is simple and it is an ideal sample for studying mutation. It is helpful to study mutant fruit flies because their quick reproduction rate allows scientists to observe the advantages and disadvantages of certain mutations. These fruit flies are also useful in determining stimulants causing mutation.

Some common mutations seen in fruit flies contain wing structure and eye color variations. Mutant wings may be short or backward. Fruit flies are famous for red eyes although mutation can make some individuals become yellow or white eyes. Mutation sometimes make fly have no eye. Mutation may exhibit yellow and black bodies, while standard fruit fly is light tan in color.

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