Larvae of the bed bug - Cimex lectularius - on the fur of one of its hosts, a bat.

Scale : bug length ~ 3 mm

Technical settings : 
- Focus stack of 22 images
- Componon 28 mm f/4 at f/4 reversed on extension tubes
Bed bugs

Bed bugs and related diseases

Bed bugs and related diseases
5 (100%) 22 votes

When we remind bed bugs and diseases, according to medicine, they commonly bring many pathogenic organisms but they aren’t known as carriers transmitting diseases. Some information consider that bed bugs are the cause of lepra, Q fever, Oriental cancrum and brucellosis. Public health centers are very concerned about the ability of transmitting diseases to human. In some test, bed bugs have been proved as pathogens including anthrax, plague, tularemia, yellow fever, elapsing fever and typhus. In other study, bed bugs are likely infected HIV and hepatitis B. However, there is no evidence which prove that they can transmit disease to human. Therefore, they are not considered that an important factor in transferring diseases to human.

However, if individuals are not antiseptic and keep the bite clean, this can lead to secondary infection which cause swelling and bleeding. The infection usually happens in children, weakened immune system people and especially people who cannot afford to go. In addition, some people have allergies and they need to have medical care.

Rệp giường và những căn bệnh liên quan

After many biting, some people become more sensitive with bed bug bites and they will be itchy and have red bumps or rashes. Some have serious allergies because of bed bug bites but it rarely happens. Medical treatment for the bite include using histamine and corticosteroids to reduce allergen and disinfectants or antibiotics to prevent infection.

The most dangerous risk that they cause is the bites lead to insomnia and stress. Bed bug bites can cause irritation in some people. However, they may not appear in others. Their bite will be visible after a day or more when this bug feed blood. It is very hard to distinguish between bed bug bites and other insects.

If you have any symptoms on your skin, see your doctors. In addition, you need to have bed bug control in your home. Controlling bed bugs is not as easy as other insects, it requires a certain knowledge. Let’s call Nano Vina pest control company to have recommendations and safe bed bug control program.

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